Tae Kwon do


Tae Kwon do is the most popular martial art in Korea. Tae Kown Do means the art of kicking, it is a hard style(which means it is composed of more choppy moves rather then fluent moves like kung-fu). Tae Kwon Do might just be the most simple and easy to learn martial art in the world. Some of the basic kicks are the front,back,side,roundhouse,and up risingkick(Names of kicks depends on which school you train at and the style you practice)Doing a frount kick(well before doing any of these kicks you should stretch frist. Well lets see.....ahh yes the FRONT KICK:P When Doing the basic front kick:

step1.you bring your leg up Bent at the knee at a 90 degree angle (does not matter which one u choose)
step2.kick thrusting foward straighting your leg(Your foot posistion is that your toes should be pointing towards you and you should be hitting your target with the ball of your foot.

this is the frist kick I learned it took me a while to get the foot positioning down but i finally got it:)

there will be more about Tae Kown Do Once i get home from vacation